Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Baby Pegasus

Baby Pegasus

The Pegasus islands off the Aleutian coast are home to the Pegasus. For that reason they are called baby Aleutians and in childhood range the Pacific.  Many babies are sighted  at birth before they fly away. Then you can see them. But later their colors reflect the ice and arctic environment, blues, whites, beige, frost colors make them hard to see against the clouds, which is why they are mythological in the first place. Whether there are real such flying horses who can doubt? These are modeled from my years among them. 
The babies emerge head first with mane trailing down the back, body submerged in the mother’s. The baby’s wings are furled and it looks as though the mother’s head has disappeared. This confusion of bodies, wings and tails continues to the legs which are fragile, spindly and almost look like the rockers of a rocking horse. The front legs are open and the back legs funnel to a v. The body out of which the baby emerges looks rather like flower by this time, the head of the young sticking up as though emerging. Actually it flies out of the mother on its own just after this stage. The colors are striations of  whites, pales beiges, faded violets, faded maroons, ever pale with a head dress of all white plumage. This is useful for reflections while flying near the sun.  The wings of the mother  are spread even if the baby’s are not so it looks on the whole like it is in process of glide, the legs separated as if  about to race forward.

Of course they are always born as twins, fraternal we should say, or maybe the difference is from the birth order for they are  born some days apart. The Pegasus twin  seems to have heavier feet, less mane and its mouth is open  as if in full cry at being second or because it is born in song, for the horses sing as they fly. This one’s wings are more fully edged in ivory though the usual sky colors have a sense of the painted desert, subtle pastels. The second baby is often born with a face plate, but is less emerged  from the body, which may simply be due to the  different times and  days of maturity. In addition to the face plate it also has a body wrap as if coming undone, thickish but more spectacular  than its brother. Both are male according to custom, but parts of the island where females birth in much the same way are guarded by the adults for whatever reason.

There’s no point in denying that many people think them birds, they have wings after all, and they fly. This stems from a lack of imagination maybe. Among primitives on the islands where they live the Pegasusians are seen more like we would see spaceships. We have only assayed the appearance of the baby. The adults are several times larger than we would think which just adds to the riddle of how they can fly, like some flying boxcar or presidential jet dwarfs the planes around them. To compare them to planes is a good idea and you can imagine the texting produced by seeing one pass as you recline and look out the window. It leaves open the question as to where they are going, but they might ask the same of us. The answer, to Jakarta, is as meaningful as if they were to say to to Andulusia. To understand them better, we fly to real places so called, they fly to mythologicalones. Blame Darwin for this separation of fact from myth, but it has not been so long that myth was  fact in the eyes of the world. Then people lived on the ground in huts, died young, but on the plus side saw the stars and lived in rainstorms. We posit that such a life style produces myth more than ours. Living indoors among city lights produces fact. Facts however are brutes while myth is forgiving and produces wonder. We should send anthropologists back to that age to advise us on its merits. Of course this was done but many went native and never returned. It was speculated they were seen riding the backs of Pegasus past the astonished windows of airbuses.

One thing it shows is how short the age of fact really was, since we, having left it, have entered the new age of make believe. If it seems these three ages  appear in descenant sequence perhaps can only be known in a fourth age yet unknown. Thus the four ages of the Greeks would come full circle and a lot of foolish things in poems bear out in fact and we will end up quoting them. 
Meanwhile the  horses are flying past the airplanes invisibly because the screens are down and nobody is looking out. They think they see ufos and seek contact with alien races and forces but deny the horses. Does that seem awkward or backward?
That they are a flying breed of horse  would not be believed by a race such as ours who at one time did not believe a bird could fly, despite the contary.
The Pegasus islands off the Aleutian coast are home to Pegasus. For that reason they are called baby Aleutians and in childhood range the Pacific. Many babies are sighted  at birth before they fly away. Then you can see them. Later their colors reflect the ice and arctic environment, blues, whites, beige, frost colors make them hard to see against the clouds, which is why they are mythological in the first place. Whether there are real such flying horses who can doubt? These are modeled from my years among them.

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