Thursday, October 13, 2011

Secret Writing Everywhere


* Pray it not strange birds fall from the sky
and crabs wash up on the shore
if people poisoned with bisphenol-A
pop a molecule.
Water bottles, weight gain.
Xenoestrogens,  fat,
provoke an addiction in everything called food.

Civilization needed a cure,
a dysentery purge
to remove Bubble Civ
 while life still exists.
More than black carp,
oil disappeared*  from the Gulf
was the  mystery of "no good cause,"
believe that and move. 

Unprepared for the topmost brief
 money that builds better beef,
disrespect elders, do away with belief,  
deep forces began to roar. 
 Not space aliens science thought would save,
or government that wants a better life for kids,
 money was resisted with changed lives and prayer.


 A version of this went up at Camel Saloon Gallery.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Faisal and Farouk

To get these kings you have to get the attitude. Here Faisal is undergoing his beauty treatment in pride and power. It is noteworthy the British have so warmed their royals. The word king hardly appears. It's all babies and beauties. Stability you know, masks. Other potentates suffer their pride of manhood.There's nothing behind a Saudi prince. Abdulla, Farouk, Faisal, especially Farouk lands the fat cats in trouble. Outlaws in bandanas with the top down will pull up next to him and his cousins at stoplights and taunt: King Farouk! King Farouk!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Speculations of ziggurats on Babylon’s plain, excavations of Troy VIIA and the Fall of Babel, a “story possibly… inspired by the fall of the famous temple-tower of Etemenanki.” The towers then will symbolize Ilium. New York, Troy-Babel will show the limit of reason.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Apologia, Animal Spirits

"You never know, I said, the ones you give some semblence of burial, to whom you offer an apology, may have been like seers in a parallel culture. It is an act of respect, a technique of awareness."  Barry Lopez

For Barry Lopez the wolverine enlivens the force of natural wilderness as the bear does for Momaday. We know we are less human by the loss of the wilderness contrast. One of four mammals will become extinct. Forests of the north, coyote and elk in storm, dead fall fires in yarrow meadows, armed men, dogs, tent, truck, prevent the hunger of the bear. But this is small stuff to the scapegoated  puritan fear of the spirit. It has a name in Leviticus that Barry Lopez does not mention because the names of the gods depend on who uses them. Once above the outbuildings of a flour mill near ASU was the proud declaration "Ashtaroth" written high above. This was not a misspelling of Ashcroft. The ambiguity of the world of spirits to a people who have no gods is that power and money mix up an argument about consequence and cause and make a literature out of it. They are all gone out of the way, there is none that does good. There is a dominant group of new pietists, newscasters and reporters who proclaim this morality of disconnect from the comfort of their desks. They have the compassion of a war reporter living off amputees while pretending to be a conscience, an English puritan living off smallpox, el exterminador and amonetizer of home mortgages living off public consumption. When these fail they express the greatest compassion for the failed, but it is for themselves. Surely no one expects to end this discussion with a conclusion.

Animal Spirits

Poets wrote of the coming biological extinction, prophetic celebrations of the natural before the industrial revolution. We find ourselves determining extinction’s cause.  Beasts first go extinct. The pain of the bestiaries is they compare the animal to the human to the detriment of both. Humans adopt some negative animal trait. Yale professor Robert Shiller says Animal Spirits are a forecasting tool, that the business world has discovered irrationality as a means to wealth. But he did not learn that animal spirits involve the reality of hunger and laying low, to love the sun and love night. When Bunyan says "poor silly Mole, that thou shouldst love to be, / Where thou, nor Sun, nor Moon, nor Stars can see," Bunyan can't see.

Physiologus heaps all occult myth and fancy on animals. Science heaps our health hazards.The asps founded fast food. Prester is the asp that  anybody who gets “struck by this animal swells to a prodigious size and is destroyed by corpulence” (T. H.White. The Book of Beasts. 175). Media heaps on our loss of identity and confusion of soul. The sirens founded media, television  (Conversation IV), “entice poor chaps by a wonderful sweetness of rhythm, and put them to sleep…pounce upon them and tear them to bits” (White, 134). In this Coercion of the Senses Odysseus is tied to the mast, tie open the eyes gates to violence as in Clockwork Orange. If they will not see they will not sleep.

If Mr. Blake were the first to celebrate the toll of industrialization in his chimney sweep, and if he were the prophet of the week, we’d resort to him to explain the man's fear of animals, fear of the tree, fear of the woman which sums the fear of himself.  Blake's portrayal of animals is like the bestiaries, a picture of the negative states as an gnostic creation, a heresy compared with Psalms and Job. Don't be like the tiger. Do be like the ant (Proverbs). Each species becomes a morality play, not a thing in itself of wonder, which attitude translates to science. What use is the thing, what experiments can be run, will it make a good paper, improve human lot? This morality play will be running when polar ice extincts. Thus in the cliched pattern of English folklore songbirds are good, hawks are bad.

In this divided state  every threat perceived in the outer world from animals, which includes all nature, is a human fear caused by division and mirrored back. That is, the savagery of the tiger, or cruelty in any exterior form is a human internal state, a spiritual despondency.  In Mysterium Magnum Boehme calls the primal "Image" corrupted, which became "a Beast of all Beasts" manifesting outwardly the inward negative properties of the man. Thus medieval bestiaries were moralities of man, you name them: "Fox, Wolf, Ear, Lion, Dog, Bull, Cat." Go around the zodiac and to every cave art to see the divided image projected upon the animal. It's not the outward form the man assumes, but the inward projected by him upon the beast. A supposed ravening, or sloth in the seven deadly sins at least is that "the Man must bear such a Beast in the Body."  This is the motive of reabsorbing these projected fears.


A theory of correspondence says the inside is the out: "for as the Essence is in the Body, so the Spirit figures and forms itself internally”  (Boehme),  but if the beasts are a picture of the human their removal does not redeem him. He is redeemed by the reabsorption of projected fears. Imagine a winch of the spirit where first lust and greed, then fear and hate are pulled back! That all external nature reflects the in cast out, bestiaries unmasked.

It sounds like  fantasy to hold that all forms of life were originally part of the human, then projected out, like Plato says the woman was taken from the man. In Jerusalem, Blake says "You have a tradition, that Man anciently contained in his mighty limbs all things in Heaven & Earth" (To the Jews). In the Four Zoas he says:

"So Man looks out in tree & herb & fish & bird & beast
Collecting up the scattered portions of his immortal body"

... where ever a grass grows
Or a leaf buds The Eternal Man is seen is heard is felt
And all his Sorrows till he reassumes his ancient bliss"(Four Zoas, 110)

"As man falls from vision, he objectifies into separate existence more and more aspects of himself. He stands in awe and horror, wondering where a beast like the tiger comes from, for he does not see in it a portion of his own fallen, divided self" (The Scattered Portions, Baine, 7).

This rehumanization of all that was separated out back into the man becomes beatific. The tygers and lions "sing they seize the instruments of harmony" (FZ 124.17). As the animals shed their skins of the human projection, "they enter upon a new life; as all forms of life rejoin Albion they reject the Selfhood which has separated man from man and man from nature"  (Baine, 8).

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


All its resources in light
Is never better able to see
Than when near itself.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

March 2011

            Gazuntite 3-11-1                                                                                        Swan  3-11-2


             Hermes 3-11-3                                                                                      Ballet 3-11-4

Blues 3-11-5

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Red Tailed Hawk / Black Crowned Heron

Question: What makes a red tail hawk a star?Answer: Who has not watched the hawks on an afternoon in Texas skimming tree tops begin to circle higher and higher, spiral up while you are squinting as they disappear just like stars in the day?  Hawks are a kind of day star. Next Question: What makes a marigold a sun?
Three closeups of hawk at Blake's Wilderness.
Also, a ceramic at Eagle in Birdbath.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011


I found this bird while glazing, have wanted a raven for a long time. Cobalt oxide.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fall of the Egyptian Zodiac

Horn blown against serpent

As the constellations of this zodiac  progress, the promise of the horn  blown against the serpent Ouroboros is fulfilled in the upraised arms of the Warrior Deliverer. What this promise is we know when the top of the vessel is removed, a romantic adventure preceded by suffering and death, like matriculation at a university of epic size where you don’t know anyone and the registrar tells you you have 39 hours of class and people are shouting in Egyptian about the politics of the past. Denial even in death.

This zodiac no longer exists. That is not say it is outdated or prehistoric, which it at first looks. It no longer exists because it blew up, top and bottom, and the sides were left pitted and smoked. It was put to biscuit with another piece, the figure Foresight, which however survived, probably because it had neither top nor bottom. The irony of this happening during the heavily touted  Egyptian revolution suggests a moral decline of democracy.Initially the photos of Zodiac were posted with this statement:

"This zodiac presents constellations in the promise of a horn blown against the serpent [tyrannt] Ouroboros , fulfilled in the upraised arms of the Warrior Deliverer. Now Remove the top!

Dialogue: Nman:   You'se can't kill space and time!
Warrior:   Oh yeah? Prove it!"

Making Democracy
 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 12:48pm
The top blew off.  The overthrow of false authority sets itself up as a right. Later,  it got removed. Put to biscuit kindle an hour, inadvertently l the controls were left on high from the previous fire. The manager did not return for an hour. Turning on the fan to clear the smell (and smoke), which probably made more thermal shock, in another hour there was a  crack. Zodiac exploded all over the kiln. That was the end of democracy.

Upraised arms
It also exploded the bottom, but the walls stood. The metaphor appeals. Sides standing, top and bottom gone, the moisture trapped by the lid  blew out both ends. The other piece in there, Foresight, was open in its center and withstood the blast, but its porcelain face smoked terribly and pitted from the shrapnel. Is that an allegory to see things coming?  Another lesson, blow off the top and the bottom goes with it, but the walIs, history stands? Is carbon bisc the same as making democracy? It has interesting discolorations, here and there a fine powdery dust over all its surface. 

Shall we say that Foresight before the explosion was inexperienced? Foresight needs to get out of the way? Sometimes the situation is too hot to handle. Self doubt is the last thing it needs. When all the crowds are going another way it is easy to doubt. Prophets who come to mind seem sure enough, but we do not see inside. For the ordinary, go back to how to protect a family. For this, foresight is required, but there is a requirement to act on foresight, that is what the life of a father is about, acting on foresight, which you may say of the elders of Egypt, even if their faces get singed. If the top is exploded the bottom may go. That of course leaves us worse off than when we started. That the walls are still standing is something but the vessel will not hold anything. And who knows how long they stand? Do not turn up the fire too high. Paradoxically, the constellations on these walls yet exist. If the constellations are space and time, and the worm eating itself  a figure of continuity, the tyranny of life, death and creation continue. Do you count the loss of top and bottom to this universe further creation?
Foresight and Zodiac

End note: After, Foresight was rebisqued properly. All the imperfections of the explosion fell away. No pits, no marks, pristine porcelain surface! There is a fire that purifies like Ophir, "when he has tried me I shall come forth as fine gold." 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Democracy on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 12:48pm at the Fall of the Egypt. Its Zodiac II

. Horn blown against serpent
Serpent Ouroboros
The Egyptian Revolution 2011 has a huge background but in the kiln it is a Zodiac destroyed.

 All in fun, I said, when this Zodiac was raw clay, that it prefigured the "MONSTER OUROBOROS SLAIN!  NATIONS IN TURMOIL, because the figures around its circumference, thinking of Egypt, portrayed "constellations in the promise of a horn blown against the serpent Ouroboros fulfilled in the upraised arms of the Warrior Deliverer.

Upraised arms
This promise we know. "Remove the top!"  I said, then added, dialogue:

"Nman:   Youse can't kill space and time, Warrior.
The reply:  Oh yeah? Prove it!"

I got this "proof" when Zodiac went to biscuit three days later.  The top blew off. Ha, ha.  I had the controls on high from the previous fire and didn't reset for the kindle. Just before the end I realized and turned it off, then turned the fan on to clear the smell and smoke, probably increasing thermal shock. Another hour and from the kiln and crack came a distinct pomp! Lifting the lid I saw  the top of Zodiac exploded all over the kiln. It also exploded the bottom, but the walls stood.

The metaphor appeals. Sides standing, but the top and bottom gone?  The moisture trapped by the lid  blew out both ends. The other piece in there, Foresight, was open in its center and withstood the blast, but it's porcelain face was smoked terribly and pitted from the shrapnel. Suppose that this is an allegory to see these things coming?  If you blow out the top (government) then the bottom goes (people). But the walls, historical controls, stands. Don't know if this carbon biscuit is the same as making democracy. It has interesting discolorations though. There is a fine powdery dust over all its surface. Last year other experiments with raw oxides had made me get a biscuit kiln in the first place, since nobody would bisc them. That time too much cobalt oxide ran off a leg in the second fire and fused the kiln shelf.


This was Foresight before the explosion. he was Inexperienced shall we say?

Foresight needs experience to get out of its own way. 
Sometimes the situation is too hot to handle.
Sometimes it won't be believed? 

Self doubt is the last thing it needs. When all the crowds are going the other way it is easy to doubt. The prophets seem sure enough, but we do not see inside.

For the ordinary person these things go back to how to protect a family. Foresight is required, but there is a requirement to act on foresight. That is what the life of a father is about, acting on foresight. The elders of Egypt, even if their faces get singed, must act on foresight. It is an interesting speculation that if the top is exploded the bottom may go. That leaves us worse off than when we started if the king or head of state is the top and the people are the grassroots at the bottom. Both are lost to the force of explosion. The walls are still standing but the vessel won't hold anything. And who knows how long they stand? Do not turn up the fire too high. Paradoxically, the constellations on the walls of this vessel still exist.I'm going to put on a new top and a new bottom! [This effort failed.] Perhaps the walls are history. If the constellations on those walls are space and time where the worm Ouroboros is eating itself, a figure of continuity, and the forces opposed to  justice, tyrannies of life, death and creation yet continue, then the loss of top and bottom  make further creation, but of the same kind.

End note: After all this Foresight was rebisqued properly, but not Zodiac. As if by fire, all its imperfections of the explosion fell away. Burn Us Up! No pits, no marks, only pristine porcelain surfaces! We may conclude from this that there is a fire that purifies, like Ophir, "when he has tried me I shall come forth as fine gold, the gold of Ophir." Let this fire fall on Egypt too.

Fall of the Egyptian Zodiac
Foresight and Zodiac Before

As the constellations of this zodiac  progress, the promise of the horn  blown against the serpent Ouroboros is fulfilled in the upraised arms of the Warrior Deliverer. What this promise is we know when the top of the vessel is removed, a romantic adventure preceded by suffering and death, like matriculation at a university of epic size where you don’t know anyone and the registrar tells you you have 39 hours of class and people are shouting in Egyptian about the politics of the past. Denial even in death.

This zodiac no longer exists. That is not say it is outdated or prehistoric, which it at first looks. It no longer exists because it blew up, top and bottom, and the sides were left pitted and smoked. It was put to biscuit with another piece, the figure Foresight, which however survived, probably because it had neither top nor bottom. The irony of this happening during the heavily touted  Egyptian revolution suggests a moral decline of democracy.Initially the photos of Zodiac were posted with this statement:

"This zodiac presents constellations in the promise of a horn blown against the serpent [tyrannt] Ouroboros , fulfilled in the upraised arms of the Warrior Deliverer. Now Remove the top!

Dialogue: Nman:   You'se can't kill space and time!
Warrior:   Oh yeah? Prove it!"

The top blew off.  The overthrow of false authority sets itself up as a right. Later,  it got removed. Put to biscuit kindle an hour, inadvertently l the controls were left on high from the previous fire. The manager did not return for an hour. Turning on the fan to clear the smell (and smoke), which probably made more thermal shock, in another hour there was a  crack. Zodiac exploded all over the kiln. That was the end of democracy.

Making Democracy
 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 12:48pm

 If the constellations are space and time, and the worm eating itself  a figure of continuity, the tyranny of life, death and creation continue. Do you count the loss of top and bottom to this universe further creation?

Monday, January 24, 2011